
Excerpts from "Gee's Bend: The Women and their Quilts"

I wanted to share a few pictures of my favorite quilts from "Gee's Bend: The Women and their Quilts." This is a fabulously illustrated book of quilts from the south (Alabama) which features stories and narratives of their creators. I saw the Gee's Bend exhibit a couple of years ago at the Cleveland Museum of Art, and have been in love with these quilts since. The Annie Mae Young quilt has inspired me to create a denim quilt made out of my father's old work jeans. Another popular material used in some of the Gee's Bend quilts is old flour sacks (during the Great Depression, women would use whatever they had).

Below I have shown the artist on the left with her quilt to the right.

Nettie Young

Annie Mae Young

Linda Pettway

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